Our Guide to Swimming Levels

Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to figure out where your child fits within the STA Scheme? You're not alone, and we're here to help!
This guide was crafted for one reason, and that was to clarify the windy path ahead.

At RKLSwims, we understand the challenges of finding the ideal class for your child. Our guide will provide you with the information needed to decide
where your child belongs within the Scheme.

Still confused? No worries! Our experienced team will assess your child's abilities on their first lesson and ensure they are placed in the perfect class.
We aim to make your child feel confident and comfortable, turning their swimming journey into a fulfilling adventure of unlocking new capabilities and enjoyment!

Dive into our guide and let us help you find the ideal class for you!

Beginners Stage 1-2

This class is perfect for kids who are totally new to swimming pools or swimming itself. It’s designed for little swimmers aged 3 and up, and we focus on safe ways to get in and out of the water, so they can feel more comfortable. They'll learn to move around on their own, getting the hang of floating, turning, and pushing off the wall with the right body position. Come join us and kick off your child’s swimming adventure with a solid start!

We suggest that all beginners start here to build their water confidence before moving on to the next level where they’ll learn to paddle.

This class covers from STAnley 1-8, there are no entry requirements for this class as it’s purely for beginners. For example, never swum before.

Beginners Stage 3-4

This class is perfect for children who are progressing through stages 3-4 of the beginner STA Scheme. Designed for little swimmers aged 3 and up who already have some water confidence, it builds on their foundational skills and prepares them for more advanced swimming.

In stages 3-4, we focus on improving their safe entry and exits, enhancing their ability to move independently in the water. Swimmers will practice floating, rotating, and pushing off the wall with correct body positioning. They'll also start learning the basics of front crawl and backstroke, developing coordination and stamina.

We recommend that all beginners complete these stages to ensure they are well-prepared for the next level, where they'll refine their strokes and build endurance. Join us to continue your child’s swimming adventure with a solid and confident start!

This class covers Octopus 1-3, entry requirements are as follows:

  • Capable of Safe Entry

  • Capable of swimming 5 metres on front & back with aids

  • Capable of Floating (Star, Pencil, etc) with aids

  • Basic Push and Glide motion

Upon completing this class they will be able to do the following:

  • Swim 5 metres on front & back without aids

  • Push & Glide into Stroke

  • Head First sculling with aids

  • Tread water for 10 seconds

  • Rotational Strokes for 2 metres

  • Basic Breaststroke

  • Basic Butterfly Leg Action

  • Float without aids for 3 seconds

Improvers Stage 5-6

This class is perfect for kids moving through stages 5-6 of the improvers STA Scheme. It’s meant for swimmers who are 5 and older and already have some good water skills. Here, we focus on sharpening and levelling up their swimming abilities.

In stages 5-6, we really work on improving their technique and building stamina. Kids will get better at front crawl and backstroke, plus pick up the basics of breaststroke and butterfly. They'll also learn how to safely get in and out of the water, and practice things like treading water, sculling, and making quick turns.

We suggest all improvers go through these stages to create a solid skill set, getting them ready for more advanced swimming. Come join us to help your child keep growing in their swimming journey and become more confident and skilled in the water!

This class covers Goldfish 1-3 & Angelfish 1-3, entry requirements are as follows:

  • Capable of treading water for 5 seconds before returning to poolside

  • Capable of swimming 5 metres on both front & back

  • Swim breaststroke for 2 metres

  • Butterfly Leg Action for 2 metres

Upon completing this class they will be able to do the following:

  • Basic Rescue Abilities such as throwlines, reach poles and more!

  • Tread water for 30 seconds in clothing

  • Head & Feet First sculling for 10 metres each

  • Perform Surface and Sitting Dives

  • Swim 25 metres on both Front & Back

  • Swim Breaststroke for 20 metres

  • Swim Butterfly for 5 metres

  • Underwater Push & Glides with basic tumble turns

Advanced Stage 7-8

This class is awesome for kids moving through stages 7-8 of the advanced STA Scheme. It's perfect for swimmers aged 6 and up who’ve got the basics down and are ready to step up their game. We’ll focus on advanced techniques and building endurance.

In stages 7-8, we’ll work on getting better at all four strokes—front crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly. Swimmers will polish their technique, boost their speed, and become more efficient. They’ll also learn cool skills like competitive starts, turns, and finishes, plus work on their endurance with longer swim sets.

We think it’s super important for all advanced swimmers to finish these stages to really nail their skills and gain confidence in the water. Bring your child along to help them shine in their swimming journey, whether they’re aiming for the competition or just want to stay fit!

This class covers Shark 1-3 & Advanced Bronze, Silver & Gold, entry requirements are as follows:

  • Basic Rescue Abilities such as throwlines, reach poles and more!

  • Tread water for 30 seconds in clothing

  • Head & Feet First sculling for 10 metres each

  • Perform Surface and Sitting Dives

  • Swim 25 metres on both Front & Back

  • Swim Breaststroke for 20 metres

  • Swim Butterfly for 5 metres

  • Underwater Push & Glides with basic tumble turns

Upon completing this class they will be able to do the following:

  • Swim 400 metres using a competitive stroke in under 8 minutes

  • Swim 100 metres using a competitive stroke in under 90 seconds

  • Ability to tread water for 5 minutes and then swim 25 metres

  • Ability to glide for 15 metres underwater on both front & back

  • Basic knowledge of competitive turns & starts such as diving & tumble turns

  • Advanced water safety techniques were learnt through rookie lifeguards, such as side tow, unconscious casualty tows, and more.

Kickstart 12+

This class is awesome for kids 12 and older who want to dive into swimming or just want to build up their skills. Our Kickstart class mixes beginner levels 1-4 with some improver levels 5-6 from the STA Scheme.

In this fun class, we work on getting comfy in the water, learning how to safely get in and out, and picking up basic swimming moves. Kids will learn how to float, twist, and push off from the wall while keeping the right position. As they get the hang of it, they'll start to master front crawl and backstroke, and dabble in breaststroke and butterfly. We’ll also cover cool skills like treading water, sculling, and how to turn efficiently.

We really think the Kickstart class is a great way for your child to build a solid foundation and get ready for more challenging swim levels. Come join us to boost your child’s confidence in the water and set them up for swimming success!